What is biofilm?

Biofilm exists from bacteria who attach by a self-produced slime. They create a layer that is very hard to remove. On this layer, even more bacteria as well as micro-organisms and ferments can attach and develop.

A fully functioning biofilm is like a vivid fabric on the inside wall of pipes, storage tanks, water wells, etc . It is a complex cooperation of different types of micro-organisms who live each in their own favorable climate.

Even in the system of our drinking water, more than 99% of the bacteria are part of the biofilm attached on the inner side of the pipes.

Glycocalyx, also called Extracellular matrix or EPS ( Extra cellular polymer substance), can include 90 or even 95% of the bio mass of the biofilm, the rest are bacteria. As glycoalyx contains a lot of water, a surface which is covered by his biofilm as very slippery and gelatinous.

Afterwards the glycocalyx can capture other bacteria which will multiply and start building their own glycocalyx.

Aa biofilm can contain different bacteria who produce corrosive chemicals. Eg anaerobic sulfate reducing bacteria. These bacteria produce sulfuric acid which leads to corrosion of metal pipes. Also the so called iron oxidizing can cause corrosion of metal which results in expensive reparations of the leaking pipes.

Biofilm also narrows the diameter of pipes and more resistance and so less liquid can be pumped. The result is mostly a higher cost on energy....

Possible consequences of biofilm :

  • Development of pathogen
  • Endotoxins settle down in the mucosa
  • Development of mycotoxins
  • Damaged liver
  • Weakened immune system
  • Raise of costs on health
  • Oxidation of installations
  • Higher maintenance costs
  • NDV Systems
  • NDV has high-frequent  ultrasonic devices that opposes the biofilm successfully.

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NDV Ultrasonic Systems?

We work with high-frequent Ultrasonic sounds. These are sound- frequencies above 22 kHz which is inaudible for human and animal. These are mechanical vibrations that occur by  the conversion of electric or mechanical energy.

High-frequent Ultrasonic can be used to destroy the biofilm, by removal of the matrix for these bacteria.

The specific chosen frequencies are transmitted by the transducer on certain intervals. These vibrations demolish the vacuole of a protozoans. So they die and other organisms can’t attach them anymore. So the biofilm disappears.

By ultrasonic vibrations in a large frequency area, the cell walls of the bacteria ruptures, also the active part of an enzyme ( bacteria use this to construct their cell walls) is blocked.

By adjustment of the correct frequency, the bacteria is destroyed.

In tegenstelling tot chemische behandelingen, is er geen her kolonisatie omdat de bacterie afsterft en zowel de voedingsbodem als de hechtlaag gelijktijdig geëlimineerd worden.

Door toevoeging van chemische middelen ontstaan bij dieren vaak zeer rode slijmvliezen en kunnen er bloedingen en wondjes ontstaan in de bek en de slokdarm.

Bovendien zijn de kosten voor deze chemische middelen periodiek en kunnen zeer hoog oplopen, dit kan je vermijden door onze Hoogfrequent Ultrasoon te plaatsen. De installatie van NDV is bijzonder eenvoudig en de aankoop van het Hoogfrequent Ultrasone apparaat is een eenmalige uitgave zonder verder extra kosten voor het onderhoud.

In comparison to other techniques, high-frequent ultra-sonic devices do not cause corrosion, and does not effect smell or taste of the water.

The device are continuously powered, so it is very important to have a low consumption.

We do have a device with a very low consumption, so an extra advantage if you want to connect it to solar panels or batteries.

No more blockages and no intestines that jump due to too high pressure due to narrowing of the intestines.
