
On this page you will find the Disclaimer of NDV Ultrasonic BV, as made available by NDV Ultrasonic BV. In this disclaimer we indicate under which reservation we offer the information on our website to you.

1) Intellectual property

Website:  www.ndvultrasonic.com and all child pages;

User: visitors to the website;

Company: NDV Ultrasonic BV the authorized publisher of the web page;


The following applies to our website. By using the website you agree to this disclaimer.


  • NDV Ultrasonic BV regularly updates the content of the website and updates the website regularly. Despite these efforts, content on this website may be incomplete or out of date.

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV gives no guarantee whatsoever about the correctness or completeness of the information consulted on this website.

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV does not guarantee the security of our website and can therefore not be held liable for any damage suffered directly or indirectly from the use of our website.

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV is not responsible for third party pages linked to;

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV provides information on its website without any warranty or guarantee. No rights can be derived in any way from the information on the website;

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from the use of the information on our website;

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV will change or discontinue the website at its sole discretion and at any time.

  • NDV Ultrasonic BV cannot be held liable for the consequences of changes or termination on/of its website

  • User is responsible for the use of all information provided on our website www.ndvultrasonic.com

2) If applicable
For the prices on our website, we strive for the most careful representation of reality and the prices in question. Errors that arise and are recognizable as programming or typing errors, never form a reason to be able to claim or assume a contract or agreement with NDV Ultrasonic BV.

NDV Ultrasonic BV strives for the most up -to -date website. If, despite these efforts, the information from or the content on this website is incomplete and/or incorrect, we can not accept any liability for this.

The information and/or products on this website are offered without any form of warranty and/or entitlement to accuracy. We reserve the right to change, remove or re -post these materials without any prior notice. NDV Ultrasonic BV accepts no liability for any information on websites to which we refer via hyperlinks.

3) Changes
If this disclaimer changes, you will find the most recent version of the Disclaimer from NDV Ultrasonic BV on this page.